viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Crack assasins creed 2 funcionando, probado por mi

Hola chicos, después de mucho buscar logré que me funcione el juego, dejo el archivo que menciona en la guía y los pasos a seguir. Están en Ingles, después los traduzco con tiempo pero lo voy pegando así ya puede circular.

Extraído de página Rusa y de PirateBay

Step one: Download the game from this torrent.

Step two: Download this

Step three: disable ur internet connection to prevent any auto update\'s

Step four: Install the game using deamon tools , if u dont know how to do this then go f***k urself.

Step five: Once the game is installed DO NOT APPLY CRACK OR START THE GAME

Step six: In the other torrent there will be a winrar file. Unzip it .

Step seven : Unrar the winrar file called AC2ServEmu0.44-One-Click install.v1.0.1.0

Step Eight: Double click on InstallAC2Crack and install it to the directory where you installed the game.

Step nine: Unrar the file called 1900_values(final) by 3xistence

Step ten: Place the file called values in ur assasins creed directory ( Default : C:\\Program\\Ubisoft\\Assasins\'s Creed II

Step Eleven: Unrar the file called Ubisoft Game Launcher.

Step twelve: Copy the files located in the Ubisoft Game Launcher folder and place it in the Directory called C:\\Program\\Ubisoft Game Launcher.

Step thirteen: on your desktop there should be a shortcut called Play Assasin\'s Creec II , Double click on that icon.

Step fourteen: Log in with any username u seem fit , IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO PRESS THE REGISTER NOW BUTTON. Once you have logged in you will be able to play the game!. Do not forget the user name and password you entered as this will be used to continue your progress in the game.

Step fifteen: There is place where Leonardo will give u the blade and the game stands still and you think its not gonna work any more. JUST PRESS NUMBER 2 ON YOUR KEYBOARD AND THE GAME WILL CONTINUE!


P.S this is how I got the game to work and it is not guarranted it will work for you and there might be other ways to get it to work as well.

Acá el RAR con los archivos necesarios. Seguir al pie de la letra el instructivo, ¡Yo lo tengo andando perfecto!


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